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Equal World wrapped: our highlights from 2023

December 2023

It’s been a fantastic year fighting for disability rights around the world, and our supporters have played a fundamental part in everything we’ve achieved.

There are so many to choose from, but here are our highlights from 2023.

The Promise in Peril campaign

Around the world, 23 countries campaigned to ensure that people with disabilities are included in SDGs progress and no one is left behind. Over 48,000 people from 121 countries came together and signed our petition that held global leaders accountable.

We attended the SDG Summit in New York

Abia Akram attended the SDG Summit and shared our global call for disability inclusion with world leaders, which led to a political declaration that explicitly referenced disability rights.

The African Disability Protocol was ratified in 13 countries

The African Disability Protocol (ADP) will bring a human rights treaty into law that specifically addresses the forms of discrimination that affect people with disabilities living in African countries. And now, it’s been ratified* in 13 countries. 

Only two more countries are needed to make the ADP legally binding across all 55 member states of the African Union.

The Equal Bangladesh campaign launched

We stood up for disability rights with the launch of the Equal Bangladesh campaign, which fights to ensure equality for all by promoting disability rights and inclusive policies in the country.

All of this has been achieved in 2023 and so much more!

We believe in a world where people with disabilities are treated equally. This is a world worth fighting for. Our supporters have helped us make so much progress this year, and we can’t thank you enough. Let’s continue the fight together in 2024 and beyond.

If you haven’t already done so, you can sign up to be part of our global community of supporters fighting for a more equal world below. Or join our Equal World community Facebook group.

Watch our video and share it on social media to show the world what we can achieve. 

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A young girl, who has albinism, sitting in a classroom. She is wearing a face mask.
Eleven-year-old Noutene, who has albinism, attends an inclusive school in Mali.
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