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Graphic - people sat around a circular table with an image of the world on a screen.

10-point action plan for disability inclusive development

A group of young people with disabilities have created an action plan to make sure international development is inclusive for everyone.

April 2024
Members of the Equal Zimbabwe steering committee and other attendees of the launch event.

New disability rights legislation published in Zimbabwe

The first new legislation on disability in Zimbabwe since 1992 coming just days after the launch of the Equal Zimbabwe campaign.

February 2024
A still from Sightsavers' campaign video, with the text 'Ratify the ADP'.

African Disability Protocol just one country away from becoming legally binding

With Malawi’s ratification of the ADP in December and Nigeria’s hot on their heels in January, we are now only one country away from ratification across the entire African Union.

January 2024
Abia, a women with disabilities, on her laptop

Equal World ambassador puts disability rights on the agenda

Abia Akram recently attended a UN's consultation session and has called on the facilitators to ensure that disability inclusion is a priority for all.

December 2023
Graphic of people campaigning, with the copy: You have made a difference!

Equal World wrapped: our highlights from 2023

It’s been a fantastic year fighting for disability rights around the world, and our supporters have played a fundamental part in everything we’ve achieved.

December 2023
Abia, in New York ahead of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Summit

Sightsavers campaign sends message at the UN Sustainable Development Summit

48,063 signatures from 121 countries handed in around the world.

September 2023
Some of the campaigns team outside the UN building on the weekend of the Sustainable Development Goals Summit

Promise in peril campaign sends a message to world leaders

48,063 signatures from 121 countries handed in around the world.

September 2023
People pulling a rope wrapped around the globe, to stop it falling off a cliff

Promise in peril – ECOWAS statement

Campaigners urge ECOWAS to champion disability rights to get SDGs back on track

August 2023
Abia Akram, sitting in wheelchair smiling to camera

Abia Akram becomes Equal World campaign ambassador

Abia, a global campaign ambassador and disability rights activist, has been involved in the disability rights movement since 1997, ensuring that women and girls’ voices are heard.

July 2023
People pulling a rope wrapped around the globe, to stop it falling off a cliff

Campaigners urge ECOWAS to champion disability rights to get SDGs back on track

Joint statement by West African disability rights organisations ahead of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Summit of Heads of State and Government on Sunday 9 July 2023

July 2023